





Summer is very hot,?so we can wear thin clothes: like jacket,?skirts,?shorts。?


Spring weather warmed,?so we can wear:as shirt,?thin dress,?thin T-shirt。?


Fall weather is getting cold,?so we can wear:As the short suits,?T-shirts,?casual wear。?


Winter is very cold,?so we can wear : like coat,?thick coat,?sweater



Global warming: Causes, effects, solution and outcome

One of the greatest threats faced by the world today is the rising global temperature. There are many factors, which contribute to global warming. However, we can help minimise the increasing temperature by adopting some effective measures..

CJ: Prakash Kini , 1 Apr 2008 Views:7924 Comments:9

THE PROBLEM: Through the use of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases, the earth’s temperature rises in a process known as global warming.

The causes: Global warming is caused by the burning of carbon rich fossil fuels, which in its consumption, release carbon dioxide – a green house gas – that when released into the atmosphere builds up and allows the heat that enters the atmosphere to collect, and the earth’s temperature to rise. Other greenhouse gases include methane, nitrous oxide, and sometimes, even water vapour can act as a green house gas.

The effects: The effects of global warming are most obviously the warming of the globe, but this can have many unforeseen side effects, such as the melting of some of the earth’s ice stored in it’s poles and it’s glaciers, such as the Greenland Ice Sheet, a rise of three to four degrees Fahrenheit could cause up to 40 per cent of the earth’s costal areas to be enveloped by the rising oceans. The global temperature has risen between 0.45 to 0.6 degrees Celsius and the oceans have risen between 15-20 cm in the last century due to global warming and the industrial revolution.

The solution: We can solve this problem by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions emitted by our cars and factories, carpooling, using bikes and developing alternative fuel sources could reduce these emissions on the personal level. However, getting the power generating companies and other industries to stop using fossil fuels would take a lot of time and would be hard to do. Many independent and groups are working to solve this problem. One such al effort is the Kyoto Protocol, a plan devised by a group of national s working in to stop global warming.

The outcome: If we ignore these problems, we could have serious ecological problems like the rising of the oceans due to the melting of the ice caps or the disturbance of many fragile ecosystems that rely on a carefully moderated temperature.

I hope that this information has provided some insight into the causes, effects and ways to stop global warming.



style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">求一些英文句子,关于环境保护,气候变暖,动物保护,还有关于吸烟禁烟的句子。先谢过了

Green Jade Butterfly"

- Water articles

Seen enough of the Haihe River Lake,

Pollutant scum, turbidity and color Tang Tang.

Stream waters, waste residue discharge.

Policy out, up and down call sign,

Governance by many people, the shift.

Still see, dry up the Yellow River, pollution of the Yangtze River.

Heart-breaking! Twenty years of water service,

Dongting mottled, Huaihe dark.

Songjiang to police, neighbor disputes began to panic.

Official speech, public officials panic.

The new law enacted, uproar.

Hope in the future, environmental Yongbao, Dragon long.



1、环境保护 人人有责 Everybody is responsible for environmental protection

2、如果每个人为环境保护作出一点贡献,我们的家园会变得更加美丽。if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.


Ireallywishthecitywouldinvestmoreinto making it clean and greenintermsofairandwaterquality.



Bill: It's such a lovely day. I love sunshine!

Any: Yes, it's nice and bright.

Bill: I hope it stays like this! I don't like the hot weather!

Any: Is the weather usually like this here? What's the weather like in summer?

Bill: It's pretty hot here in summer. You know, globle warming is caused by increased amount of carbon dioxide around the Earth.

Any: Exactly, Professor Wong told us that with the development of economy,more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects,causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike.

Bill: So we must take effective measures to save our planet as soon as possible!

Any: But all we could do is beginning from something around us. For example, we can use less air-condition and walk more stairs rather than use an elevator. We can also save more paper if double use some one-side paper.

Bill: Sounds reasonable!

Any: Of course, I am an environmentalists! And I am always regarded as the starof environmental protection!

Bill: No wonder you have such lots of environmental theory!

Any: But the weather forecast said it would be cold tomorrow. The temperature will jump down in a few days. Keep warm!

Bill: You too! Wear some warm clothes and DO NOT catch a cold!

Any: I will ! Next time I would like to talk with you about environmental protection!

Bill: It's my honor to talk with you then!

Any: See you!


protect animals,protect ourselves.

it's our duty to protect animals from harm.

measures must be taken to protect animals.

let's live in harmony with animals.

everything in the earth is equal, so please treat animals fairly.


No smoking. 禁止吸烟an antismoking campaign;禁烟运动;an antismoking ordinance.禁烟法令 The doctor advised me not to smoke at all. 医生建议我绝对禁烟。The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking。市政府计划发起禁烟运动。 Can I get a seat in the nonsmoking section? 请给我禁烟区的座位。I am sorry, this is a non-smoking area, you can smoke outside the building. 对不起,这里是禁烟区,您可以到室外吸烟。





1.The primary causes of global warming is carbon dioxide CO2


3.There is still an explanation,that is serious pollute from industry

中文:全球变暖是指全球气温升高。近100多年来,全球平均气温经历了冷-暖-冷-暖两次波动,总得看为上升趋势。进入八十年代后,全球气温明显上升。1981~1990年全球平均气温比100年前上升了0.48℃ 。导致全球变暖的主要原因是人类在近一个世纪以来大量使用矿物燃料(如煤、石油等),排放出大量的CO2等多种温室气体。由于这些温室气体对来自太阳辐射的短波具有高度的透过性,而对地球反射出来的长波辐射具有高度的吸收性,也就是常说的温室效应",导致全球气候变暖。全球变暖的后果,会使全球降水量重新分配,冰川和冻土消融,海平面上升等,既危害自然生态系统的平衡,更威胁人类的食物供应和居住环境。

全球气候变暖的主要原因:大气层遭到破坏,严重的污染以及温室效应全球变暖可能造成的影响全球变暖将给地球和人类带来复杂的潜在的影响,既有正面的,也有负面的。例如随着温度的升高,副极地地区也许将更适合人类居住;在适当的条件下,较高的二氧化碳浓度能够促进光合作用,从而使植物具有更高的固碳速率,导致 植物生长的增加,即二氧化碳的增产效应,这是全球变暖的正面影响。但是与正面影响相比,全球变暖对人类活动的负面影响将更为巨大和深远。今年8月份CCTV报道,由于气候变暖的影响,珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰下降了1.3米。



(1) 低地被淹:

英国加高堤坝应对气候变暖全球变暖使海平面升高,暴风雨频率增加,这使英国人不得政治面目 加高防洪堤坝。据英国官方近日公布的统计数据,在过去的20年中,由于泰晤士河的水位随全球变暖而升高,当地政府机构不得不先后88次加高防洪堤坝,以保障伦敦人的生命财产安全。,据悉,人们现在平均每年4次加高其堤坝。据估计,在2030年以前,其加高堤坝的频率会达到每年30次。钟和 中国环境报2004-10-19

(2) 海岸被冲蚀

(3) 地表水和地下水盐分增加,影响城市供水。


(5) 旅游业受到危害(海平面上升50米,大连、秦皇岛、青岛、北海、三亚滨海旅游区向后31-366料,沙滩损失24%,北戴河沙滩损失60%。2002年中国国土资源公报报道,沿海旅游业已成为第一大产业,其产值为2503亿元,占海洋产业总产值的34.6%。

(6) 影响沿海和岛国居民的生活(占世界1/3的人口),使之受到威胁。如果极地冰冠融化,经济发达、人口稠密的沿海地区会被海水吞没,马尔代夫、塞舌尔等低洼岛国将从地面上消失,上海、威尼斯、香港、里约热内卢、东京、曼谷、纽约等海滨大城市以及孟加拉、荷兰、埃及等国也将难逃厄运。


气候是决定生物群落分布的主要因素,气候变化能改变一个地区不同物种的适应性并能改变生态系统内部不同种群的竟争力。自然界的动植物,尤其是植物群落,可能因无法适应全球变暖的速度而做适应性转移,从而惨遭厄运。以往的气候变化(如冰期)曾使许多物种消失,未来的气候将使一些地区的某些物种消失,而人些物种则从气候变暖中得到益处,它们的栖息地可能增加,竞争对手和天敌也可能减少。比如说桔子,过去20世纪70年代,它的最北的边界线是在黄山一线,宣城市也曾经试种过,但到冬天的一场大雪,树木就冻了。但现在我们校园里的桔子树都长得很好。又如,扬子鳄只生活在宣城、泾县和南陵这样狭 小的地带,如果北界线北移,扬子鳄可能会自然绝种。这是从我省的局部地区来 讲。从全国来讲,我国把冬季1月0度等温线作为副热带北界,目前这一界线处 于我国秦岭-淮河一带。研究发现,气温升高会使这一界线北移至黄河以北,徐 州、郑州一带冬季气温将与现在的杭州、武汉相似。




人类健康取决于良好的生态环境,全球变暖将成为下个世纪人类健康的一个 主要因素。极端高温将成为下世纪人类健康困扰变得更加频繁、更加普遍,主要 体现为发病率和亡率增加,尤其是疟疾、淋巴腺丝虫病、血吸虫病、钩虫病、 霍乱、脑膜炎、黑热病、登革热等传染病将危及热带地区和国家,某些目前主要发生在热带地区的疾病可能随着气候变暖向中纬度地区传播。


The causes of global warming are large volumes of greenhouse gas has been discharged and large areas of forest (have) been cut down.